Smith Reynolds Airport
Suite 204
3801 N. Liberty St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Master Plan

Smith Reynolds Airport recently completed the process of updating its Airport Master Plan and associated Airport Layout Plan (ALP) set. The purpose of the Master Plan is to identify improvements over a 20-year planning period that will improve safety, increase operational efficiency, or increase capacity. The proposed improvements consider several factors including environmental and community impacts along with the anticipated availability of future grant funding.
Early in 2009, the Airport Commission of Forsyth County (ACFC) initiated an update to the Smith Reynolds Master Plan, which was last completed in 1994. The need for this update was essentially twofold.
- The primary reason was to meet the state’s requirement to conduct periodic updates to the airport’s future development plan.
- Secondly, over the past several years many changes have occurred regarding the airport’s function as well as in the aviation industry, thereby, changing the demands placed upon the airport. Although the development of a master plan and associated airport layout plan (ALP) set serves many objectives, one of the most significant purposes of this study is to allow the airport to meet federal assurances for grant funding eligibility.

The primary planning objective of this recent master plan update was to create a 20-year development program that would maintain a safe, efficient, economical, and environmentally acceptable airport facility for Forsyth County. By achieving this objective, the document should provide guidance to satisfy the aviation demand in a financially feasible and responsible manner, while at the same time addressing the aviation, environmental, and socioeconomic issues of the community. In support of this goal, the following objectives were considered:
- Identifying the needed airside, landside, and airspace improvements and recommend options to further optimize the economic aspects of the airport while enhancing the safety and operational capability.
- Establishing an implementation schedule for short, intermediate, and long-term improvements and insure that they are financially feasible.
- Identifying short-term requirements and recommend actions to optimize short-term funding opportunities.
- Ensuring that short-term actions and recommendations do not preclude long-range planning options.
- Incorporating the interests of the public and government agencies into the planning process.
- Remaining sensitive to the overall environmental characteristics and needs of the area surrounding the airport.
- Incorporating current comprehensive land-use (both on- and off-airport property) and recommend developments that are compatible with existing and future land-uses.

On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, the Airport Commission of Forsyth County held a public information open house to learn about the Smith Reynolds Airport Master Plan Update. The Open House was advertised in the Winston-Salem Journal and on the Airport’s web page. Public participation was solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability. The meeting was held to give interested persons an opportunity to learn about the location, conceptual design social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed improvements. Representatives from the airport and the project team were available to answer questions and to receive comments.

Providing a safe, efficient, and convenient aviation facility at Winston-Salem, Forsyth County and the Western Piedmont.
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